

Nov 2014
Swamy Sharanam Bolo

Embracing Lord Bhootanatha, Lord Siva said: “Now that you have killed Mahishi there are yet other works to be done. You have to return to Rajasekhara who is passing his days in distress at separation from you. He is a great devotee. Bless him with immortality. In your incarnation as Rama, tapaswini Sabari adored you in the Saguna mode. She could not therefore attain immortality; she is again in the world, under the same name, seeking you in the mode of Nirguna. Bless her also with immortality. Rajasekhara will build you a temple near Sabari’s Asram and the place will become famous as the Sabari Hill. You will reside there, in the hearts of your devotees and in Ponnampala. Return now to Rajasekhar. Devas will follow you as leopards ad Devendra himself will be a royal tiger on which you will ride to Pantalam.

Having received these instructions, Lord Bhootanatha first blessed the Rishis, who were present, and then returned to Pantalam on a tiger, followed by thousands of leopards.

As the Lord reached the outskirts of Pantalam, news of his return reached the king and his subjects. People began to run helter-skelter for safety. Hearing the shrieks of horror and the shouting, the king came out and, to his dismay, he saw Manikantha mounted on a tiger, accompanied by the hosts of leopards. Dismounting from the tiger and standing respectfully by the side of the king, Manikantha requested him to take as much leopard’s milk as was required to relieve the queen of her headache. The sight of the leopards and Manikantha with his serene and smiling face convinced the king beyond doubt that he was no other than God Himself; he therefore besought the Lord for mercy and requested Him to sent the wild animals back in the same way as He had brought them, saying that the queen’s headache had subsided the same day that Manikantha left for the forest. The king prayed His forgiveness for treating Him as an ordinary human and a servitor, being ignorant of his Divine identity.

Lord Bhootanatha was seated on throne and obeisance made to Him. Maharshi Agastya came in at this juncture and told the king in details the story of Dharma Sasta and then departed. The king was delighted to hear the story of the Divine One who for twelve long years had been living in his palace, in his very presence, as a son and a servitor. He worshipped Him with great reverence and again prayed to be forgiven for anything that he might have done amiss, knowingly or unknowingly, and to be blessed with the Divine Grace. The king condemned the heinous plot of the Dewan and his queen and asked for them to be punished as they deserved.

Smiling and blessing them all, the Lord bade the leopards vanish; then he embraced the king and said:

“I have spent twelve years in your palace for a Divine purpose. That has now been fulfilled. The plot of the Dewan and the queen was necessary for the fulfillment of that purpose and therefore they need not be punished. Do not grieve. You are blessed. I am pleased with your devotion. You may ask any boon you like”.

Overwhelmed by the blessings he received at the hands of the Lord, the king prayed for the grant of immortality. The Lord said:

“The cycle of the birth and death is recurring and there can be no end to it except by the destruction of Karma. The path to follow, therefore, is that leading to the destruction of Karma.”

The assembly dispersed for a while and then reassembled. Lord Bhootanatha was seated on a throne, receiving due obeisance.

The queen and Dewan came in and prayed for mercy and forgiveness. In reply the Lord said:

“Do not grieve. Every action has a reaction and every man reaps the results of his own actions. As your actions were necessary for the fulfillment of a Divine work you have not sinned. Nevertheless such activities are ruinous. The three great sins are abuse of friendship, betrayal of trust and non-reciprocation of a kindness. There is no immediate redemption from these sins. Therefore refrain from committing them.”

Lord Bhootanatha further elucidated the path of Karma Yoga, the world and its origin, the Trinity and Jnana Yoga. He said further:

“I am everything in this world. Therefore abandon all dharmas and take refuge in me. I shall redeem you and bless you with the state of Nirvana. I am not to be attained by erudition in the Vedas and Sastras or by the chanting of Mantras. I can be attained only by Love.”

Blessed by the Lord, the king again prayed:

“Should it please you, Oh Lord, grant me this boon, that you will have your abode in my kingdom. If you so order me, I will build you a temple wherever you choose in my territory.”

The Lord condescended to accept the offer, saying:

“In that case your desire shall be fulfilled. You shall build me a temple on the Neeli Hills on the north-east of the river Pampa where the great tapaswini Sabari is awaiting immortality at my hands. It is there that the temple to be built. To show you the exact spot I will shoot an arrow and you will build the temple where it falls. I am blessing you with a divine eye by which you can follow the arrow.” So saying the Lord shot an arrow and the king followed it with his divine eye. The Lord further said: “Leading to the precincts of the temple, facing east, eighteen steps are to be built, representing the five Indriyas, the eight Ragas, the three Gunas, Vidya and Avidya. At a distance, on the left, a palace for my shakti Manjambika is to be built and another for my lieutenant Katuvara. My other lieutenants are also to be duly installed. The Pampa will equal the Ganga in sanctity and the Sabari Hills will equal Varanasi.”

Lord Bhootanatha then gave instructions as to the nature of the austerities to be practiced before the pilgrimage, the route the pilgrims should follow and the formalities to be observed:

“Those who come to see me without the proper austerities will not derive any benefit from the pilgrimage. A pilgrimage without money. The auspicious day to come and see me is the day of Makara Sankranti. I shall reside in eighteen temples in Kerala, of which Sabari Hill is the most important. Oh king, the heart is my temple and the soul is myself. Those who can overcome the eighteen Tatwas alone can reach me. Maharshi Agastya will direct you as to the nature of the Pujas to be offered to me and also about the construction of the temple and the installation of my idol. Do not grieve that we are parting. I am always in your heart, in your palace, nay in the whole universe.”

So saying, Lord Bhootanatha blessed all those present, and the king in particular, and vanished.