The Holy Trek

Karimala – The Second Stage

Nov 2014
Swamy Sharanam Bolo

Leaving Karimala, Thodu behind, the pilgrims start their ascent of Karimala, which has to be climbed in stages. Unlike Azhutta, which is climbed straight up, Karimala is climbed in a winding manner. The name itself suggests that it is a home of elephants. After a strenuous climb in stages, the pilgrims reach the summit to find many brother pilgrims resting there. Right on the top of the mountain there is a spring which makes the place suitable for a day’s camp. Then starts the perilous descent. Every step has to be taken with the utmost care. The pilgrims being already tired and encumbered with their burdens, the descent is really dangerous. A single false step may lead to disaster, leaving no trace of him who took it. After a strenuous descent the pilgrims reach the long awaited Pampa. The very sight of it heartens them and makes them forget their fatigue. They hurry to its banks and make arrangements to camp there for a few days. In the midst of the dense jungle inhabited by all kinds of wild animals and surrounded by tall mountains, this open space by the bank of the river Pampa resembles the reflection of the full moon on the still waters of a lotus pond. On one bank of the river people improvise shelters with bamboos and leaves.